The Electoral College envisioned by our Founding Fathers and provided in the Constitution was intended to elect the President of the United States. In practice this has become a technicality with the members of the electoral college being allocated as based on election results in the manner provided by the state.  One of the originally intended benefits of the Electoral College was that selecting the members in advance of their casting their votes, would greatly increase their sense of personal responsibility because they individual might have a significant effect on the outcome.  It also gave them time to study and deliberate before voting. The members of the electoral college were expected to gather together in advance of their final vote, were they could discus and debate with each other regarding the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates.

Tribunocracy like the Electoral Collage provides for those voting on a president to become more informed and spend more time studding the candidates and issues, than would be likely or practical for the entire mass of millions of potential voters. Because Tribunes attend a Tribunal Convention before they vote, they will receive more facts, information, hear more arguments, and be able to question the candidates.

BDI-BRO (Better Data Inn – Better Results Out) Tribunocracy provides most of the advantages provided by an Electoral College without some of its disadvantages. Electoral College members start out as a Special Group, because they must be well known or special to be elected. Well known or special people are by definition not a representative sample of common citizens. Like any special group the Electoral College would have interests that differed from the general populace. The Electoral College is not designed to be open or transparent. People likely to be elected to it would be known in advance; and after they are selected they are not sequestered. Therefore they would be exposed to, and not shielded from, corrupting influences such as trading their vote for personal gain. In contrast Tribunes are not elites with special interests, and jurors are sequestered.

Unlike members of the Electoral College, Tribunes are selected randomly; and like lottery winners they can not be predicted. Once selected Tribunes will be shielded and sequestered. Attempts to influence Tribunes by means other than provided for in the public Tribunal Convention, will be a crime, as is tampering with a jury. Unlike the Electoral College, Tribunocracy provides public proceedings that are educational for both the Tribunes and the public.

Tribunocracy like the Electoral Collage preserves the exposure to facts and arguments presented by multiple parties. Like the Electoral College, Tribunocracy provides time for its members to deliberate on the candidates and issues. Each Tribune (like each juror in a trial) will be empowered by the fact that they as an individually may affect the final outcome.